I know, I know, I have lots of them. And usually I'm not afraid to voice them. But when it comes to politics, I only share my opinions with a select few. Not because I am ashamed of my views, I just feel like everyone has the right to make their own decisions when it comes to politics and people feel really strongly about them. And it's not very often that people can have a civil discussion about politics. It always turns into one person trying to convince the other person that they are wrong. No thanks. My solution, avoid the conversation.
You may be saying to yourself, "You aren't doing a good job of avoiding the conversation right now JJ!". I know. Last night was obviously an important and historic night in our countries political history. And I feel like I need to mark the occasion with a post :)
I am not saying who I voted for. It doesn't matter. And I feel strongly that who you voted for should not be shared with others. That's why we do it in secret in the first place. I respect everyone's opinion and why they voted for whomever they did. I have no problem whether you voted for Romney or Obama. What I struggle with and what I do have a problem with is reading Facebook and the news and everywhere else where everyone is spewing their hatred towards Obama and how "the WORLD is ending". Really?! REALLY?! Again, I'm not saying I'm a fan of Obama, or Romney really. I struggled on coming to a decision. They both are flawed in my opinion. But the decision has been made. And now, we need to come together as a COUNTRY and support our leaders. In my faith, we are asked to support our church AND civic leaders. It makes me sad when I see people that are so quick to be critical and not support their civic leaders. NOBODY has all the answers, but talking badly about our president and not showing support just makes us as a country look like idiots in my opinion. How do we expect other countries to respect our president and our country if we don't. Not to say I am perfect at this, don't get me wrong, but again my opinions on most matters dealing with politics are not shared with others. I don't spew them all over social media!
Anyway. That's my opinion. Agree with me or not. Just don't hate me or talk badly about me because I have an opinion. Just respect the fact that I have one. Because I respect the fact that you do. I think the world would be a better place if people would stop worrying about being right and worry more about respecting each other and working together.
You are the BEST JJ! Well said and I am so grateful to have a friend like you who respects our opinions and loves us no matter who we vote for!